New to LMBC?

LMBC is a church that worships God in the simplicity of Jesus Christ. There is nothing fancy about us—no worship band, no colored or dimmed lights, no coffee bar, no ornate cathedral or hipsters in the pulpit. It’s not that we don’t like anything modern, it’s just that we don’t care to entertain religious fads. Rather, we’re just a simple congregation that takes joy in singing Gospel hymns, hearing the Word of God in truth, and loving one another just as Jesus has loved us. 

We look to God to help us make changes in our thinking, behavior, words and actions, trusting that what interests the Lord most is fostering a holy and godly life in those who know His Son as Savior. Our greatest concern is sharing the Gospel with those who are lost, and leading them to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. We want people to know why God is so good and so great and why he deserves our worship and praise. We believe that when you visit LMBC you will feel like you’re at home—because you really are.

We are gathering for Services!

We invite you to join us on Sundays at 9:30 am for Sunday School and 10:50am for Worship.

What to expect on Sunday.

Ours is a small church but one that is also quite diverse. Our members range anywhere from 9 to 93 years old! And we all come from different backgrounds, naturally. As a visitor, we don’t think you will feel out of place here at all. We are just every day people like yourself but who happen to have found God’s forgiveness in Christ, and as a consequence we wish to serve him to the best of our abilities. 

A church service at LMBC typically starts off with singing a hymn to the Lord and listening to a short devotion from Scripture. We then dismiss to our Sunday School classes, which we make available for all ages. Adults normally stay in the sanctuary for Sunday School but you may accompany your child to their Sunday School class if you wish.

After Sunday School we come back together to hear the children recite their memory verses. We then receive prayers requests and take up an offering for tithes from among our church members. Following this we begin our song service. Once finished, the pastor delivers his sermon to the congregation. At the close of the sermon we have an altar call for people to respond to the Word of God. Sometimes people come to the altar seeking the Lord for salvation, or ask for his assistance in times of trouble or temptation. Whatever the reason, the altar call is a time to turn to God.

In closing, we ask if there are any additional prayer requests or announcements, and then one of our church members will end the service in a prayer. After church we serve potluck lunch and everyone is welcome to stay and mingle over the fellowship of food.

If you have any questions about our church or its beliefs, the pastor would be happy to provide any information you need after services.


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